Thursday, September 11, 2014

For Eggs and Tupperware

It's finally started! Are you all ready for the Lurong Living Paleo Challenge? No? Don't worry.. here's a weeks worth of easy Paleo meals. Good luck and let me know if you have questions!

There's a lot of information here.. sorry, but I wanted to go ahead and give you the whole week so you could do your grocery shopping today. Planning ahead is going to be essential to making the Challenge doable.

Monday -


3 links of Applegate Breakfast Sausage  (easily heat and go in the microwave)

1 Hardboiled Egg
Some fruit

Subway Chopped Salad - add avocado, meat of your choice, all the veggies you want, a little oil and vinegar with water. Sorry - no tea, lemonade, juice, coffee.. just water.


Stupid Easy Paleo Spaghetti Squash and Meatballs from Paleo Pot. I'll admit I haven't tried this one yet, but thanks Katie for sharing - more on her story later. Personally I could never get my kids into spaghetti squash, but I'd say if you've got kids/spouse - try it. You never know. I'll probably put together a salad too. 

Late Night Snack - Wine


More eggs and bacon! Yummy Bacon!

Leftover Spaghetti Squash & Meatballs with fruit


Easy Grain Free Salmon Cakes from GrassFed Girl. I leave out the mustard and a salad.
So delicious - kids and husband LOVE!

Late Night Snack - Wine

Wednesday -

Breakfast: yeah! more eggs and bacon or sausage - remember: " make sure it doesn't have nitrates or nitrites and the nutrition label says 0 Grams of Sugar" 

Lunch: Leftovers

Oh my gosh - this is my favorite go to for an easy, quick dinner! This Sausage Veggie Bake from Rachel at Plate Full Paleo. This recipe also includes the instructions for the Stupid Easy Paleo Cauli Mash - which my kid totally can't tell is really cauliflower. Also, you need to go ahead and favorite this website, Stupid Easy Paleo, as it is full of awesomeness.

Late Night Snack - Wine

Thursday - Yeah! You made it half way through the week! 

Breakfast - Eggs, Eggs, Eggs! Aren't eggs egg-cellent. 

Lunch - leftovers AGAIN!!

Dinner - 

Late Night Snack: Wine

Friday - Woot Woot!

Breakfast: guess what I'm going to say? Are you bored with eggs yet? I'll post some more interesting breakfast choices later this week.

Lunch: Leftovers! Sometimes, I swear, all I do is wash tupperware!

Dinner: Go Out ... gasp! Yes, at some point you have to learn to eat out (even though this guy doesn't think so, he still gave us some good tips.) Here are the tips.

Late Night Snack: Wine - Did you notice that trend? 

Some notes about the week:

1. I didn't mention snacks. So here's a list of ones we keep around..
  • unsalted nuts & seeds - like almonds, sunflower, hazelnut etc
  • LaraBars - We buy them on Amazon. Make sure you read the ingredient list, not all of them are approved. Or you can make your own like Stephanie at Stupid Easy Paleo.
  • Fruit is always good - they say not to eat if you're trying to loose weight.
  • Almond Butter on anything that's allowed, seriously, this stuff became our crack.
  • Water. I know it sounds silly, but you're probably going to be detoxing from all the sugar and you're going to be thirsty. Also, try Coconut Water. 
2. "That's a lot of damn eggs!" I know, so we got Henrietta!
She is, by far, the most used cooking tool we use. We love her! You can get your own Henrietta on Amazon. Trust me, it's worth it.

3. I didn't mention desserts!
I know, I know. I can't really help you there. I'm not a dessert person.

Donald would normally have a Larabar or some of some dessert I'd concocted. I'll post some recipes for those later.

4. Leftover... everyday for lunch? YES! It is the easiest, cheapest, fastest way to stay on track. When you're making your dinners, make sure you think about having enough leftovers for everyone. After dinner, go ahead and store the leftover in individual plastic containers so you can grab and go in the morning. It'll seem like your buying a ton of food and cooking a ton of food, but it will save you money in the end as well as keep you paleo.

5. Did I mention the wine? Yeah for wine!

Good luck and I'll have more recipes coming soon! Comment and let me know how it's going!

xoxo G$

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