Thursday, September 18, 2014

at putting things where they belong

I am a messy person. I admit it. I am totally this person...

About once a week I vacuum and mop the floors. Maybe twice a week upstairs if I know company is coming over later. I often look at the back of the toilet and think, "I really hope I don't get sick today, because puking in this toilet would be horrible!" You should see my desk right now, it's a rats nest of unfinished projects and papers that need to be filed - in the filing cabinet right under the box where they are all sitting. I am that person that will walk by a stack of clean towels 10 times in a day and not pick them up until 3:55 pm. My son gets home from school at 4:00 pm. I want him to think I've been busy all day.. doing important things, like putting towels away.

There is one place where I *almost* always put things back in their place - and that's at our gym, CrossFit South River. I always put the bar back in the rack, I put the dumbbells and kettlebells back in their proper area and the bands and abmats back where they belong. I'll admit, I sometimes but the plates in the wrong stack, but seriously, after a terrible WOD my brain barely remembers to breath, how I am I supposed to remember the difference between the 10 lb plates and the 15 lb plates?

Yes, yes you are the only one, unless you coach on Mondays and Wednesdays... It is incredibly soothing to go into any environment, be it your home, desk or gym, and have a clean space in which to start. CrossFit South River recently invested in some shelves and I'm so excited! Everything in it's place!! I've already started my labeling process - look for the explanation of all those little pieces of tape soon. 

Did anyone notice when someone labeled the floor where you were supposed to put the kettlebells back? It was fabulous! Though it didn't last long.. Now with the shelves and color coordination maybe we can all keep it that way?! And no more wasted time stumbling around trying to remember the difference between 1 pood and 2 poods ( What the heck is a pood?) And "does 16 mean pounds? or poods? or I don't know, just grab the small one!" 

Another place I'm sorta organized is in the kitchen. Most anyone that has cooked with me knows that's probably stretching it a little. I'd say, it's more like I want a blank canvas to make as messy as possible that I will worry about cleaning later when I've got a decent buzz and it won't seem so bad. Right now my kitchen is clean, because I'm about to make the Salmon Cakes I wrote about on Sunday. By the time I'm done, they'll be grease all over the stove again and flour in between the floor boards. 

I made these buffalo chicken egg muffins earlier this week that we've been eating for breakfast.

They are pretty yummy. We've been eating two at a time with some fruit. I couldn't find the Tessemae's Wing Sauce at Whole Foods, so I used PaleoChef Wing Sauce which Whole Foods did carry. The recipe calls for 3/4 of a lb of chicken thighs, but seriously, have you ever seen a package of chicken thigh that size. I guess I could have gone to the counter, but seriously..

So I cooked all of the chicken and put about 3/4 of it in the food processor and it worked out fine. Of course Donald doesn't think they are hot enough, so he's been adding sriracha. The leftover thighs we've been eating for lunch.

Here's some links to other breakfast ideas for you to start thinking about next week, maybe pick a few and make them over the weekend for next week.

I found the Buffalo Muffins on this one...

These are for those of you that are already sick of eggs...

For the cereal lovers...

I haven't tried any of these recipes except for the muffins, so if you find something that's good, let us all know!! And remember, the next time you're at the gym, remember to put everything back where you got it so that the next person doesn't inadvertently pick up the wrong pood. That would just be poody. 

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