Thursday, September 25, 2014

at waking up from a nap!

This weekend I'm competing in The Capital Throwdown with some of my very good friends from the gym. I don't have high expectations. Not because we aren't going to try and give it all we have, but because we've got some really stiff competition and because the WODs are just heavy. Ugh.. Our goal is to go, have fun, and do our best. Oh, and don't get injured! This will be my fourth competition but only my second "Big" event.

Anyway, one issue a lot of athletes run into during competition is proper nutrition and re-fueling through out the day. As regular athletes we're used to one work out a day. We may eat a little before, do a protein shake after and go on about our day. But competitions are different - you're there all day with multiple workouts and lots of down time.

What you do during that down time is important!

While napping is always a good idea, just make sure you follow some of these guidelines to help keep you in top form.

1. Stay hydrated.. duh.. right? It's not pleasant but keep an eye on your pee... if you're not peeing throughout the day or it's neon yellow - you've got a problem.
Ways to stay hydrated:

  • Coconut water - Paleo friendly (if you've got the right brands), full of potassium, low in sugar and full of all the good minerals you need to help your body recover. Also, has fiber which will help you digest the food you're eating.
  • Protein Shakes - mixed with water. 
  • Good 'ol tap water!
  • Beer... well that's only after the last WOD :)
2. EAT. Yes, you need to eat after every WOD. 
Eat what you normally eat - you don't want to try something new and end up missing a WOD because you're in the bathroom!

3. Enjoy the camaraderie! Most teams will set up tents, grills, chairs etc in the parking lot. You're there to have fun and luckily, everyone there is pretty much exactly like you - they are obsessed with the CrossFit thing!

I could get all technical about the right amounts of proteins and carbs but there's already a million articles on it, if you're that serious - just Google it and btw - you're probably on the wrong blog. I basically just wanted to share the protein ball recipe, because, seriously, they're awesome!

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