Monday, September 22, 2014

at getting on track!

Ughhhh... Did anyone else have a "bad food" weekend? It was just all around horrible for us. We were acting like we weren't even doing a Paleo Challenge. I'm so mad at myself.

OK, not that mad, but I do wish we'd lasted more than 5 days, lol. Friday night wasn't too bad, just some extra wine and popcorn at the Greenstreet Gardens outdoor movie night (which was so much fun!!). Saturday breakfast was yummy and paleo - did you see our picture on Instagram? Donald made us eggs & bacon with fruit and 1/2 an avocado. But then it went downhill from there...

After we found out Donald got another assignment on Ft. Meade and we'd be staying in Maryland another four years, we decided we needed to pick a local college football team to support. Since The Naval Academy was right down the street, we went with them. Our friends from the gym invited us to tailgate with them on Saturday. In my mind, we weren't going to be that bad. I made these yummy Bacon Wrapped Dates from Paleo Plan - except I didn't stuff them with the nuts and it took about twice as long in my oven to get the bacon crispy. They were a huge hit, even with me and I don't like dates.. quite frankly they look too similar to cockroaches, but bacon wrapped cockroachy looking things..yum!

I also packed up the Soda Stream (LOVE this thing!!) and fresh oranges and grapefruits with the thought that we'd stop and grab vodka for Skinny Crushes. Not paleo, but better than beer, right? We finally got everything in the car and were half way out the neighborhood when we realized the ticket were still laying on the kitchen table. So, Donald flipped a U-ey and sped home. He jumped out of the truck to go grab them and decided to grab the vodka we already had at home so we wouldn't be any later to meet our friends. Round two - we're driving down the street and all of a sudden Donald screams out "*uck, I forgot the tickets again! And something smells like shit" As I was trying not to laugh at him, we gathered that he must have stepped in dog poop from someones dog that had left us that nice little treat right in our driveway! Round three - tickets, clean shoes, vodka; check check check. Finally on the way. Once there I started to set up everything to make the crushes and to my dismay - I forgot water and the bottle to the soda stream... crushes were simply not in our cards for Saturday. Thus started the downhill spiral... beer led to hamburgers with buns, more beer led to snacks and then more beer led to BBQ topped Mac and Cheese. Ugh!!

That's me, in the middle double fisting... bad choices.

Sunday wasn't much better. Donald went fishing in the morning and bought home a rockfish. Then we decided to take our boat out to pick up Hank and have a late lunch out.

So, now it's Monday and it's time to get back on track. We have the Capital Throwdown this weekend and need to be focused. I have no delusions of thinking we'll even place, and I know I'm the slowest on our team but I don't want to look back and say "If I'd only eaten better.."

Here's our weekly food plan to get things back on track!


Breakfast - hard boiled egg, protein shake after the WOD
Lunch - I'm going to grab a big salad at the grocery store.
Dinner - Rockfish Salad! If you don't have rockfish - any tougher fish like grouper, sea bass or halibut.

I'm going to make this Coconut Rockfish with Mango Salsa from Angling Unlimited that I found on Pinterest and serve it on a big bed of Organic Girl Super Greens - my new favorite. 

PS - did you know I have a Paleo Cookbook Board on Pinterest? I keep all of the recipes plus a bunch more on there, check it out!


Breakfast - Hardboiled egg and 1 of the many grapefruits I have from the weekend.
Lunch - Leftover Fish salad
Dinner - I still have some spaghetti squash leftover from last weeks Spaghetti Squash & Meatballs crockpot dish. I always make two spaghetti squashes when I cook them so we'll have plenty of leftovers. That dish from last week didn't have enough sauce though, so I was stuck with a dish of squash and nothing to do with it.. Then I remembered this Spaghetti Squash Pizza Casserole from The Preppy Paleo dish that everyone LOVES! So, this will be easy since I already have it half done. (Note - I don't use that cheese it calls for. My family didn't really like it so I just leave cheese off and let the kids add regular cheese if they want.)


Breakfast - eggs and more grapefruit - I bought a whole bag of them so we gotta get rid of them!
Lunch - leftover pizza casserole
Dinner - This so yummy Sweet and Sour Chicken from The Domestic Man with Cauliflower Rice. This one is a little labor intensive, so save it for a night when you have some time. But trust me - it is so worth it!!


Hank has the day off of school so I'm going to take him into D.C. to one of the museums. I'll get up and go to the early WOD at 5:45, then breakfast at home and then into the city. For lunch, we'll find somewhere that I can be good but he'll still enjoy and we'll be back home in time for dinner. Then we'll be off to the airport because Chloe is coming home for the weekend!! WOOHOO!
Dinner - Since we'll be running around all day I'm going to put together this Paleo Crockpot Chili from (yeah! It's finally chili season!) in the crockpot before we go so it'll be all ready when we get back!


Breakfast and Lunch - normal eggs and leftovers.
Dinner - We're leaving for the Capital Throwdown at Crossfit Rubicon (I am so excited to check out their facility!). Since it's a two day event we decided to get a hotel up there for the weekend. We're staying at the Sheraton Tysons Corner since there's a pool, bar and they allow dogs! Everyone is very excited. We'll eat dinner on the road somewhere. 

Later this week I'm going to post about competition day nutrition and replenishment.

Did anyone else cheat last week or over the weekend? 

Good luck to everyone this week!!

1 comment:

  1. Ugh I cheated big tonight!! Cheese ravioli and garlic knots. And I finished it all. Fail!
