Monday, September 29, 2014

and I literally was this weekend

I've got to get to the store before Hank gets home, so I'll tell you all about the Capital Throwdown tomorrow (spoiler alert - we didn't win). I wanted to get the menu to you before it got any later! So, here you go!


Breakfast - 1/2 an avocado and two links of sausage (yeah... need to go to the store, ASAP!) 
Lunch - I'll grab something from the store! I'm going as soon I figure out this weeks menu! (Blog actually took way longer than I thought today.. I couldn't find my written calendar and it has me all discombobulated!!)
Dinner - We have an MRE Tug of War planning meeting tonight, so I need something quick and easy. I LOVE meatloaf, and so does Julie Bauer from PaleoOMG. Check out her Italian Meatloaf, so good!! I'll probably put together a salad to go with the meatloaf. That is unless I get totally stressed and don't get to cooking... then we'll go out and hopefully not cheat.


Breakfast - hard boiled eggs and grapefruit
Lunch - Leftover meatloaf - assuming I wasn't bad. If I was, I'll make the meatloaf for lunch so we'll have some leftovers.
Dinner - Wholly crap, I just found this recipe and can not wait to try it!!! Donald and I are in a constant competition with his parents to find the BEST Shrimp and Grits. It all started on a trip to Beaufort, S.C. and the nearly famous Shrimp and Grits from Blackstone's Cafe. After that, all others were compared to them. Karen found an awesome recipe she makes for us so I'm really excited to try this Paleo version from


Breakfast - Leftover "grits" with scrambled eggs and bacon
Lunch - Salad
Dinner - I've been neglecting pork lately, so I looked for a recipe to rekindle the spark. This one from Julie at the Crankin' Kitchen is perfect especially since she even thought about the sides! Pork chops with cherry rhubarb chutney, mustard greens and herb roasted sweet potatoes.


Breakfast - Hard boiled eggs and fruit
Lunch - Leftover pork chops
Dinner - I'm not gonna lie... this Paleo Moroccan Lamb Stew really doesn't look too appetizing, but the spices she uses and all, sounds amazing so I want to try it. 

Breakfast - eggs & fruit
Lunch - leftovers
Dinner - Out, we're going to see Dave Attell at Rams Head Live. I have no idea who he is other than Donald tells me he's a comedian and he's funny... hopefully I will agree. I figure either way, I've got a reason to dress up and look cute and get a date night out of him.

Breakfast - OK, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I don't cook breakfast. I hate cooking breakfast, honestly, in the morning all I want to do is sit down with a cup of coffee and read or watch the news. My kids even know not to talk to me until I've had my first cup of coffee. When they were littler their bedroom was upstairs, they would creep down the stairs on the weekend mornings and peak around the corner. If they saw me holding my coffee cup, they knew they better scamper back up until Daddy Don started cooking. 

Donald LOVES cooking weekend breakfasts. So, when we went paleo he had to learn to adjust his cooking as well. We originally got this Vegan Banana Peanut Butter Waffles recipe from our friend, that lead us to this recipe for Vegan Banana Pancakes (sub almond flour for wheat flour) that has become a Saturday morning staple!

Lunch -  Hopefully the weather will be nice and we can go out on the boat. Either way, we'll probably do Subway salads.
Dinner - There's lots of good football on Saturday, Georgia's playing Vandy, LSU & Auburn, and Alabama at Mississippi so we'll be grilling out. This Grilled Rosemary and Balsamic Flat Iron Steak is my go to easy grilled meat for a crowd or lots of leftovers. 

If you're going to make it, be sure to read thru all of the instructions, you have to start marinating the darn thing in the morning, but trust me, it makes a huge difference and is totally worth the hassle. I'll make these awesome Grilled Sweet Potatoes from Elise at to go with it all.


Breakfast - Hopefully Donald will make me something yummy!
Lunch - I'm sure we'll have plenty of leftovers.
Dinner - Honestly, by the weekend I'm normally cooked out and tired of cleaning the kitchen. Maybe I'll get some inspiration and come up with something, I'll let you know..

But don't hold your breath. 

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